Archive for the ‘material’ Category

Simulation And The Apple Watch

June 28, 2015

If Beaudrillard had Dick Tracy's watch...

If Beaudrillard had Dick Tracy’s watch…

Being the hopeless fanboy I am, it was an unavoidable purchase. (more…)

Kodachromeâ„¢ for a New Age

January 19, 2014

Much easier to use than the book that props it up ;)

Much easier to use than the book that props it up 😉

Though it looks to be one of a million digicams, the Sigma DP2 (and it’s DP1 and DP3 siblings) are a revolution in digital imagery. All on behalf of the Foveon sensor. (more…)

The Leica M Gestalt

February 1, 2013

In the 90-ties, Leica M cameras came in these spiffy, red velvet-lined presentation boxes. Just had to do a bit of Skript-Fu on that.

In the 90-ties, Leica M cameras came in these spiffy, red velvet-lined presentation boxes. Just had to do a bit of Skript-Fu on that.

A film-loading Leica has it’s own Gestalt. (more…)

This Machine Photographs People

September 15, 2012

The Ricoh GRD IV camera is a fluke on the market of small-sensor, compact digital cameras. It is made for photographers (more…)

All Wrong, But Fabulous*

May 12, 2012

Pensive at the Fast Food Restaurant

Pensive at the Fast Food Restaurant

These are heady times for photo gear geeks like me. The day before yesterday, Leica announced (more…)

Another Dimension

May 5, 2012

The Nikon 1 V1 camera body pales in comparison to the huge 1 Nikkor VR 10-100mm f/4.5-5.6 PD-Zoom lens. And yes, I black out all my cameras with a sharpie pen. Didn't stick on the "1" though ;)

The Nikon 1 V1 camera body pales in comparison to the huge 1 Nikkor VR 10-100mm f/4.5-5.6 PD-Zoom lens. And yes, I black out all my cameras with a sharpie pen. Didn’t stick on the “1” though 😉

The second lens I got for my Nikon 1 V1 EVIL camera was the Nikkor VR 10-100mm f/4.5-5.6 PD-Zoom lens. As you can see, this is no longer a compact camera system now, (more…)

Seeing What You’re Doing, Or Not

November 13, 2011

Sometimes you've got to frame your art carefully

Sometimes you've got to frame your art carefully

Here’s another practical experience with the Leica M9 and the Elmar f/3.4 24 mm. I’ve been photographing a friend’s exhibition opening here in Berlin the day before yesterday. (more…)

The Leica in the Landscape

November 10, 2011

Banks of fog under a clear sky

Banks of fog under a clear sky

Ok, sort of a reprise on the previous post. In coming to know the Leica M9 better, (more…)

Really Right For The Wrong Purpose

November 3, 2011

Lauchagrund at dusk

Lauchagrund at dusk

Leicas are for street photography, right? Perhaps reportage and situational portraits, too.
But then, the newest incarnation of the Leica M Gestalt is one of the best digital cameras on the market. It’d be a shame to limit it’s potential to hand-held use. And as every photographer worth his salt knows, the simplest way to make your photos sharper is to use a tripod.
A Leica on a tripod is an abomination. But not with this: (more…)


October 21, 2011

A celebratory drink, unsharpened (left) and sharpened, no shadow noise at 360 ISO

A celebratory drink, unsharpened (left) and sharpened, no shadow noise at 360 ISO

Updates have been few and far apart on this site, but this is going to change. The day before yesterday, I traded in all my Nikon gear for a Leica M9 body. (more…)