Archive for the ‘CCC’ Category

newton:~ chammann$: locate fancontrol

April 10, 2013

The front plastic panel is a bit shoddy, but it's running well. And LOUD!

The front plastic panel is a bit shoddy, but it’s running well. And LOUD!

Fished myself a server out of the ‘bay, an IBM eSeries xServer 345. Two dual-core Xeons 3.2, (more…)

Leaving the Walled Garden

March 9, 2012

Drinking the Hacker Kool-Aid

Drinking the Hacker Kool-Aid

I’ve finally had it with Apple (more…)

28c3, First Time, First Day

December 28, 2011

Here are some pictures from my first visit to the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin:

The Rocket in front of the BCC

The Rocket in front of the BCC
